Tuesday, December 15, 2009

high school hysterical!!

ok....lets admit it ....high school has been a very important part of our lives (well most of our lives...anyway) and we have all been through those wedgies and swirlies (either on the giving of the recieving .....or the viewing end atleast, and if ur not in either of them...well, screw u!) so heres the gist...why us?? why now?? i mean assuming the fact that the world is gonna end in like 2 years and 15 days, why do i have to put up coming and being a part of this "shit or be shat on" cycle of life??

waiting for my answer, lemme give u a quick brief (not that brief u corrupt person) on how high school life is , its a predator prey relationship, a food cycle (like i said...shit or be shat on) and the "organisms" feeding here are as follows:

1) the cool people : to be elaborate, there are no cool people in my college, or hardly any in colleges around the world, even with a billion people around me , i cant find one (i know.....its fascinating)

2)the THEYTHINKTHEY'RECOOL people : oh yeah .. u see them everywhere , they're worshiped like gods...gods??....MEGAGODS!! u will see the "spoon" species with these ppl all the time....the hell they're cool!..they're only rich...they suck at almost everything i can imagine, and end up looking like one of those monkeys who hardly knows how to build lego buildings.

3)the jocks: the normal guys who just roam around , oblivious of anything else in the world, upto and including themselves

4)the geeks: the download portals, the internet w**res, the i-was-so-hooked-in-this -game-i-shat-on-my-chair people

dont ask me what i am...ask urself ....what are u ;)


Anonymous said...

HEY!! Net whores is my word! I invented it! I'mma sue you!

Lol, jokes apart, you forgot to include where us normal souls belong, we definitely ain't jocks, and are we cool? Hmm, you decide. :P

All in all, glad you managed to post for the 5th time atleast. Decent work this. =)

Welcome to the cruel world of the blogosphere (hide your horses and sheep. Muahahahahah)

PS. Nice twitter avatar. Green Lantern I presume?

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